Kavitha Surana is a reporter at ProPublica.
Kavitha Surana
“Solo quiero decirle que lo amo”
Los padres recluidos en centros de detención migratoria sin sus hijos dicen que los teléfonos apenas funcionan y aún no saben cuándo volverán a ver a sus hijos, casi dos semanas después de que la administración Trump declarara que puso fin a la separación familiar en la frontera.
“I Just Want to Tell My Son I Love Him”
Parents held in immigration detention without their kids say the phones barely work and they still don’t know when they will see their children again, almost two weeks after the Trump administration declared it ended family separation at the border.
Here’s What It’s Like to Work at a Shelter for Immigrant Kids
Some facilities are so overstretched, employees often wait hours for a break to go to the bathroom.
Pennsylvania State Police Adding Oversight to Troopers’ Interactions With ICE
Officers must now file a report when they call federal agencies. Meanwhile, Trooper Luke C. Macke continues to detain immigrants for ICE.
How Racial Profiling Goes Unchecked in Immigration Enforcement
A Pennsylvania judge heard uncontested evidence that ICE agents violated constitutional rights during an arrest last year, but that wasn’t enough to stop deportation proceedings.
How Asylum Works — And Doesn’t Work
Follow the path of immigrants fleeing violence or persecution, and get a glimpse into the complicated, evolving system designed to grant them refuge in the United States.
¿Has visto a ICE o a la Patrulla Fronteriza en tu comunidad? Cuéntanos tu historia.
Las agencias federales de inmigración dicen que están tratando de evitar los arrestos e interrogatorios en las que consideran “localizaciones sensibles”. Ayúdanos a monitorear dónde están operando.
Have You Seen ICE or Border Patrol in Your Community? Tell Us.
Federal immigration agencies say they avoid arresting and questioning people at “sensitive locations.” Help us learn where they are conducting operations.